Energetic Osteopathy

„The body as a temple of the soul“

What does this mean?

“Energetic Osteopathy by Kalu” is the logical and necessary advancement of Osteopathy for the future.

It combines the gentle healing techniques of Osteopathy – „Mechanical Link“ by Chauffour with the subtle-energy diagnosis – and healing methods from energy healing work and with this opens up a greater healing space.

The expansion of the view point and the inclusion of the ethereal levels stimulate a healing process, which goes beyond the physical levels.

In this connection we encounter our clients with a holistic understanding for the correlations of body, mind and soul. Deep healing processes are initiated on all levels.

“The special thing about Energetic Osteopathy for me is that I have the possibility to touch both body and soul and to dive into a holy space of unity with my client.”

“For me, healing becomes possible when we attentively recognize and lovingly speak the language of all the levels and realms within the body.”

“During an energetic Osteopathy treatment the body can remember again its natural state of health.”

Dissolving of physical blockages at their source and bringing the entire physical system back into a common flow allows people to experience their body as the temple of their soul again.

What is the difference between Energetic Osteopathy (EO) and “common” Osteopathy?

  • During this training the therapist himself is initiated into a personal new healing level. This access makes it possible to pass on the essence of osteopathy in 9 days, instead of the 6 years of the usual osteopathy training. At first he receives healing and transformation himself and a new perspective on health.
  • EO dedicates itself to the examination and treatment of the cranio-sacral systems and the visceral- and parietal systems (organs and spine).
  • Furthermore EO covers the interaction between the body and the chakras, organs, elements and planets.
  • The correlation of the body and its ethereal bodies becomes perceptible.
  • The training as an EO therapist includes the initiation and connection to your own individual healer potential.

Kalu Schreiber on the development of Energetic Osteopathy:

“Illnesses” are signals, symptoms for me, a call from our soul, which is expressed on the physical level. Behind the illnesses we often find issues, which block the balance and harmony of body, mind and soul, showing themselves clearly through pain and functional disorders.

To achieve lasting and profound healing our careful attention and love for body, mind and soul are needed here.

I have learnt and practised Osteopathy with renowned names such as Fryman, Zweedjik and Chauffour for many years and was successfully running my own practice. However, when I started to get to know the effectiveness of energetic healing, I came to realise, that Osteopathy in large parts solely relates to the material, functional body level. Little attention was given to the backgrounds and causes of symptoms and illnesses.

And this is exactly what is near and dear to me about the new energy medicine:

The healing of inner levels in connection to the physical symptoms, so that the person can feel comfortable in his body as a whole and can experience it as a temple of his soul.

Educated and trained at the Sutherland Academy of Osteopathy, the Still Academy and the International Academy of Osteopathy, Kalu Schreiber the founder of this groundbreaking method collaborated with renowned lecturers such as Viola Fryman, Jean Pierre Barral, René Zweedijk, Etienne Cloet and Paul Chauffour.

Enriched by her special light-qualities, her spiritual healing-knowledge and education as a spiritual teacher, INSHA-healer, Akasha Essence-healer and Essene healer, she nowadays connects body, mind and soul to guide people to their own completeness and to initiate healing developments on all levels, both physical and spiritual, for the participants of her courses as well as for her clients.

With her “seeing” hands and the well-founded knowledge of her education of many years, she developed a gentle and very effective method through energetic Osteopathy, which can be easily acquired.

Within a short period of time this method provides profound relief right up to complete healing and for seminar participants as well as clients it imparts a new contact to themselves and their body.

Kalu Schreiber

Osteopath, Spiritual teacher

Room for healing

Based on my spiritual background knowledge it was of great importance to me that energetic Osteopathy operates on the entire energetic – and physical system, as well as on the psyche and on the emotions.

“Energetic Osteopathy” connects all levels with each other: the body, the ethereal bodies and our energy centres. It re-activates the original vibration of the crystalline structures within the entire system and through this initiates healing.

The structured examination of all systems, the spine, the organs and the cranio-sacral system enables the therapist to identify and balance the key blockages.

The subsequent resolution of the recognised blockages has a very intense affect on body, mind and soul. Tied-up energy is released, a new equilibrium emerges and potentials can unfold freely.

If, for example, the physical heart of a client is blocked – which means it cannot move “freely” within the thorax -, it is more difficult to let love and energy flow freely. Once this blockage is dissolved on a physical level, traumas and emotions, like grief and anger, often arise at first. These are allowed to come to the surface and can be healed and dissolved there.

During the further education into energetic Osteopathy (a further developed form of osteopathy) I impart the essence of the classic osteopathy in 9 days and simultaneously introduce the participants to the subtle-energy diagnosis- and healing methods of the new energy medicine. This connection makes it possible to treat the patient with a holistic understanding for the correlations between body, mind and soul and to stimulate deep healing on all levels.

With an energetic Osteopathy treatment therapists can remind the client’s body of the state of “being-healthy” in a gentle and lasting manner. The resolution of physical blockages whilst bringing the entire body system into a common flow, in combination with the resolution of the blockades at their source, enables the client to perceive the body as a temple of the soul again.

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